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Get To Know FLO Lite

This article will walk you through basic functionalities.

Clock In/Out

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  1. This is your Login Screen. Here you can set up force clock in for employees or just allow them to sign in with a general code.
    1. If Mutiple Roles are assigned, then the employee can select their role they are clocking in as.
    2. Click here to learn “How to Add Employees.”

Service Areas

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  1. This is your Service Areas Screen. If multiple service areas are set up, you will land here. You can also add a default landing area per terminal or per employee.
    1. Click Here to learn “How to Enable Quick Charge.”
    2. Click Here to learn “How to Start a Table.”
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  1. This is your Category Screen. Once you click into a category you can see all of the items that are in that category.
    1. Click Here to Learn “How to Build a Catalog.”
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  1. This is your Item Screen. Once you have selected all of the items for the order you can click the cart icon at the bottom of the screen.

Cart View

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  1. This is your Itemized Cart Screen. This screen will show all of the items under that specific order. From here you can also split the check (if enabled on lite)
  1. After Verifying the order is complete you can Send items to the kitchen or click Pay.
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  1. This is your Pay Screen. This screen allows you to perform various functionalities to the order.
    1. Click Here to Learn “How to Void/Comp.”
    2. Click Here to Learn “How to Discount.”
  1. Click the bottom right Pin Pad to split the order tender type (half cash and half card).
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  1. This is your Payment Success Screen. This screen allows you to email, text or print a successful transaction.
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